Applying For Membership

We seek members who are interested in making a difference in our community and are willing to contribute their time and talents to the organization. In order to apply to the 100 Black Men of Jacksonville, interested persons must be
(1) at least twenty-one years of age and
(2) nominated by a current member.
The candidate is asked to submit an application, complete an interview and submit to a background screening to complete the membership process.



The first step is to register on our website.



The next step to membership in the 100 Black Men of Jacksonville is completing an online application.



Once your application is submitted, a member of the J100 will contact you to schedule an interview.

backgrd chk3a

Background Check

Because of the J100’s work with minors, applicants are required to consent to a background check. After a successful interview you will be contacted to complete this final step of the membership process.

Membership fees are due after a successful interview. Membership dues are $300 per year + payment processing fee of $7.00. This will also cover the required background checks. The cost of the background check is non-refundable. Please contact us if you have any questions at (904) 764-2445.

Step #1: Site Registration

  • Name

  • Contact Info

  • About Yourself

  • Minimum length of 6 characters.
    The password must have a minimum strength of Medium
    Strength indicator